Feeling Stuck & Never Enough?

Do you feel like your heart-led business is constantly hitting a wall—no matter how much effort you put in, the growth you’re hoping for feels just out of reach?

Maybe you're always worrying about money, you're always just scraping by, never quite making the income or impact you desire?

Are you unsure when or where the next client will come from, and struggling to break free from the belief that there's never enough to go around?

It’s exhausting, disheartening, and can leave you questioning if success is even possible for you.

But you’re not alone—this is what happens when lack mentality keeps you stuck, and it’s time to change that for good.

I used to live in lack

I know what it's like to feel stuck and limited. To not ever see a way out. To always wonder where the money would come from to pay the bills. To never even dream of spending money on fun, or holidays or anything considered inessential. I used to feel defeated when it came to my career and felt there was a ceiling on what I could ever earn.

Lack is such a low vibration and it showed up everywhere for me back then.

I'm happy to tell you that I operate at a much higher frequency now! It's not because I got some fancy job or won the lottery. Nothing externally changed.

It was an inside job. I changed from the inside out. And once I did - THAT's when my experience with money, abundance and success changed!

You Can Unlock A New Level Of Abundance

This could be you ...

Once you do the work to unlock your flow of abundance....life starts to look like this.....

✓ Ideal Clients and opportunities flow to you effortlessly.

✓ You are comfortable charging higher prices for your services and your people are more than happy to invest.

✓ You're more decisive because fear and lack are no longer in the driving seat. You follow your heart and intuition.

✓ The work you do feels easier and doesn't drain you because you are working at a higher frequency with people who value what you do.

✓ Creativity is now flowing through you and you find yourself bursting with ideas!

✓ Little coincidences and blessings show up daily because you know and trust that are truly supported.


Ready to Create the Life You Deserve?

Your future self is on another timeline and she is living the dream. She has all the above and more. The lifestyle, the home, the flexibility, the freedom, the fulfilment, the bank balance!

But she did the work. She didn't just wake up one day and experience the dream. She created it.

It's up to you to do the work now so that you can access that timeline, that version of yourself.

The perfect time is now!


Here's The Key ...

  • Sign Up to the Programme

    Click the link below to sign up to the programme. You'll receive access to the programme content on the start date, September 23rd.

  • Work At Your Own Pace

    The programme is designed to be done over 8 weeks. Taking one module each week. However you can work through the content in the time that suits you. The content itself is made up of videos, journaling workbooks and some guided visualisations.

  • *Bonus Group Support

    To celebrate the launch of this new programme and to offer extra support I will be hosting 4 group coaching sessions for all those who sign up for this round. This will be an opportunity to dig a little deeper with a coach, to connect with others on the journey or simply for accountability (so you definitely follow through with the work!)

The Programme

The course is made up of 8 modules. Each module has a video and a downloadable workbook. For some modules there is an audio download or other resources.

I have designed this programme in a way that you can do this at your own pace and in your own time. However I recommend taking one module each week.

Module 1 - Abundance Clarity

Module 2 - Reveal the Roots

Module 3 - Unlock & Transform

Module 4 - A New Money Story

Module 5 - Worthiness & Wealth

Module 6 - Channeling Future Abundant You

Module 7 - Making Money is Fun!

Module 8 - Move Abundantly Forwards


Investment in your Future


What my clients say...

  • "Prior to working with Ailish, I was paralysed by fear when trying to make decisions about moving forward with my business. Ailish supported me to believe that anything is possible with trust, gratitude and self belief. Where I was once fearful of charging for my services, I’m now happy to charge my worth and trust that there are clients waiting for my offers. Where I once feared others setting up with similar businesses, I now see an abundance of growth for all of us and the value in collaborating. This mindset change has not only influenced my business growth in the past 6 months but has positively impacted all aspects of my personal life and relationship with money. Ailish has helped me change my entire life. I have so much excitement and trust about the abundance that lies ahead! Thank you!"

    - Roisin

Been There, Done That?

Maybe you feel like you've already tried this work and nothing has truly changed. Perhaps you've explored these areas before, and now you're wondering if it's worth revisiting.

But let me ask you this: Did you notice any subtle shifts or improvements from your previous efforts? Maybe there were changes, but things have stagnated. If that’s the case, it’s a sign that there’s deeper work to do.

Reflect for a moment—how committed were you the last time? Did you dig deep enough to truly uncover the root of the issue?

The truth is, no matter how much progress you’ve made, there are always new levels of abundance, success, and fulfillment waiting to be unlocked—levels beyond what you can imagine right now. To reach those new heights, you must be willing to continue the journey and do the work.